Ph.D. Thesis



God willing, will discuss the doctoral thesis submitted by the study / Marwa Yassin Helmy Bialy, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Home Economics , on Wednesday 22/6/2011 lecture hall "103"opened at the college in one afternoon.


The thesis entitled:

"The impact of some of the methods of the Executive of the weft knitted fabrics on the properties of the functionality of the clothes of State for Women"

It consists of the judging panel and discussion of the following:
1. Prof. Dr / Ahmed Salman - professor and head spinning, weaving and knitting the former College of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2. Prof. Dr / Adel Jamal Hindawi - professor of religion clothing and textile department of home economics and deputy dean of education quality for Education and Student Affairs University of Tanta.

3. Prof. Dr / Magda Mohamed Mady - Professor, Department of garments - Home Economics - University of Helwan

And God bless