The Students' Union is the legal path and the natural path in which the college’s students unleash their creativity and innovation in activities through the various Student Union committees (sports, mobile, cultural, families, social and artistic).
Student Union goals: -
Student unions aim to achieve the following: -
A- Developing spiritual and moral values ??and national awareness among students, training them in leadership styles, and providing an opportunity to express their views.
B - Developing the university spirit among students and deepening the ties between them and the faculty and staff.
C- Discovering students ’talents and capabilities and developing them.
D - Spreading and encouraging the formation of families and student cooperative societies and supporting their activities.
E - Disseminating and organizing sports, social, scouting, artistic and cultural activities, raising their level, and encouraging those who are distinguished in them.
And - to benefit from the energies of students to serve the community and develop the spirit of participation.
The Student Union Council works to achieve the goals of student unions through seven committees:
1- Student Families Committee.
2- The Sports Activity Committee.
3- Technical Activity Committee.
4- The Cultural Activity Committee.
5- The Mobile Activity and Public Service Committee.
6 - Committee for social activity and excursions.
7- Scientific Committee.
The students elect members of the council from among them a secretary and assistant secretary for the council. The council’s meetings are attended by the head of the technical body for youth welfare in the college and be a secretary for the council’s fund.
A list of the names of the formation of the Students' Union of the College of Computers and Information for the academic year 2019/2020
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