Mr. mohamed lotfy yosef roshdy College Secretary
Mr. Secretary of the College supervises the financial and administrative aspects of the College as follows:
· Supervising the college staff.
· Participating in planning the financial and administrative works in the college and proposing setting executive programs for them.
· Issuing instructions clarifying the work policy in accordance with the laws, regulations and decisions issued in this regard.
· Holding regular meetings with heads and officials to discuss work steps and problems and work to solve them.
· Direct financial and administrative authorities within the limits of the decisions regulating this.
· Participate in the membership of the administrative and financial committees, and chair them within the limits of laws and regulations, and the organization’s decisions thereon.
· Study the work reports of the organizational divisions that he supervises in order to determine the extent of their activities and give comments thereon.
Express opinion on additional appropriations and overruns, spend on previous budgets, monitor and validate disbursement procedures and engagements, and appropriately enforce regulations and regulations.
Directing subordinates to discuss topics of particular importance.
Carrying out other similar works assigned to it.
Phone: (+2) 047 31 09534