Credit hours and contact hours:
A credit hour is an academic unit of measurement to determine the course weight among other courses, and is equivalent to one 50-minute lecture per week, 100-minute exercise class per week, or 150-minute lab or workshop per week for 15 weeks. In general, the number of credit hours for a course reflects the expected outcome of the course, as well as the time required to study the course and the nature of this study, while contact hours are the normal time passed in a lecture, lab, or semester
Study plan of the program
The study plan of the program is divided as follows:
Compulsory university requirements
The number of 4 credit hours,
which all university students must study,
Regardless of the college or major.
Optional University Requirements
8 credit hours chosen from a carefully prepared list and other courses may be added to it,
or included courses may be deleted,
by a decision of the University Council.
Compulsory program requirements
148 credit hours.
Optional Program Requirements
12 credit hours.
Total credit hours
162 credit hours.