A Seminar on “The Ethics of Education” at the Faculty of Physical Education

 The Sector of Community Service and Environmental Development organized a religious seminar entitled "The Ethics of Education" at the Faculty of Physical Education in cooperation with the preaching region of Kafrelsheikh affiliated with Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, under the patronage of Dr. Abdel Razek Desouki, the university president, and Dr. Amany Shaker, the vice president of the university for community service and environmental development affairs, with the supervision and implementation of Nafie Hamada, the general manager of environmental projects.

       The seminar was attended by Dr. Abdel Halim Okasha, the dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, and the lecture was given by Sheikh Atta Mohamed Basyouni, the deputy minister of religious endowments in Kafrelsheikh, and Sheikh Hani Abu Shaishaa, the imam and preacher in the Directorate of Endowments.

        Dr. Abdel Razek Desouki, the university president, emphasized that ethics are the key to the advancement of nations and that all religions encourage and recommend them. When our distinguished scholars wanted to give a brief definition of religion, they said it is "dealing with others." We need to return to the teachings of our noble Prophet in the field of ethics so that we can overcome this difficult stage and lead our society and nation to safety. He affirmed the university's keenness to organize diverse student activities that help develop cultural and religious awareness among university students. Worship is not only in prayer, reading the Quran, and supplication, but also in work, seeking knowledge, kindness to others, and helping the needy, as these are among the noblest acts of worship.

       Dr. Amany Shaker, the vice president of the university for community service and environmental development affairs, pointed out that this seminar comes within the framework of the university's keenness to diversify educational and religious activities that contribute to refining the cultural and ethical skills of students and harnessing their creative energies in a positive way, as well as answering the students' questions.

         Sheikh Atta Mohamed Basyouni, the deputy minister of religious endowments in Kafrelsheikh, discussed the civilization of nations, communities, and countries, and stated that their primary measure is ethics. Ethics are the heritage of humanity as well as the heritage of religions. The basis of this great religion is the virtues and merits of ethics. The Prophet, peace be upon him, directed our attention to this issue when he said, "I was only sent to perfect the virtues of ethics." Thus, the Islamic religion is an extension of good ethics throughout the ages.

         Sheikh Hani Abu Shaishaa, the imam and preacher in the Directorate of Endowments, said that the concept of righteousness encompasses the meanings of religion. The Prophet, peace be upon him, described righteousness as good character. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, described the Prophet and praised him for his good character, saying, "And indeed, you are of a great moral character." The Prophet commanded us and entrusted us with the honor of continuing this march, as it is a means of getting closer to the Prophet. He said, "Indeed, the believer reaches the rank of the fasting and praying person through his good character." He also said, "Verily, the most beloved of you to me and the closest of you to me on the Day of Resurrection are the best of you in character."

         At the end of the seminar, the questions and inquiries of the male and female students from the Faculty of Physical Education were answered.