Vision & Mission & Objectives






To be one of the prominent departments of bacteriology, mycology, and

immunology in national and regional universities to provide the best efforts in the

three dimensions: education - scientific research - community service. And to

achieve the highest levels of quality in education and scientific research regionally

and internationally.




The Department of Bacteria, Fungi, and Immunology undertakes to provide a

good scientific environment, modern courses, and high-quality teaching for

students to ensure that a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at

Kafrelsheikh University has a skilled and professional level competing at the

local, regional, and global levels. As well as conducting important applicable

scientific research and addressing societal problems.



1.    To impart up-date knowledge in bacteriology, mycology, and immunology.

2.    To teach laboratory skills in the above disciplines in a competitive manner.

3.  To prepare graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) with in-depth knowledge

and research skills for professional careers in Microbiology.

4.Effect optimal use of modern technology in education and

scientific research.

5.   To provide a favorable environment for study and scientific research.  

  1. To build bridges within and outside the College and communicate
  3. with various sectors of the community and globally.

To develop suitable training programs to upgrade the quality of the Department's
