Required Learning Outcomes


1)     Graduate attributes

The graduate should have the ability for:

1- Perfect application of scientific research basics and methodologies in field of specialization, and using its various tools.

2- Application and use of analytical methodology field of specialization.

3- Application of gained specialized knowledge and integrating them with the relevant knowledge field of specialization.

4- Awareness with current problems and recent visions in field of specialization.

5- Identification of professional problems suggesting suitable solutions.

6- Mastering an appropriate scale of specific professional skills, and using suitable technological means to serve professional practice.

7- Effective communication and the ability to lead work teams.

8- Decision making in different professional contexts.

9- Employ the available resources in a way that achieves the highest benefit and preserve them.

10- Demonstrate awareness of its role in community development and environmental preservation in light of global and regional changes.

11- Reflection of the commitment to act with integrity, credibility and the rules of profession.

12- Academic and professional self- development and ability for life-long learning and progress.

Knowledge and understanding

By the end of this program the graduate should understand and accommodate the following:

1- Theories and principles in the field of specialization and related fields.

2-Mutual effect between professional practice and its impact on environment

3- Scientific progress in the field of specialization

4- Legal and ethical basics in professional practice in the field of specialization

5- Principles and basics of quality assurance in the area of specialization

6- Basics and ethics of scientific research

Intellectual skills

By the end of this program the graduate should understand and accommodate the following:

1- Analysis and judgment of information in the field of specialization and analog to solve problems

2- Solving professional problems even in scarcity of data

3- Relating between different knowledge to solve professional problems

4- Preparing research plan in specialization and/ or writing scientific article on a research problem

5- Risk-assessment of professional practices in specialization

6- Planning for improvement of professional performance

7- Taking professional decisions in a variety of professional contexts.

Professional and practical skills

By the end of this program the graduate should understand and accommodate the following:

1- Mastering basic and recent professional skills in the field of specialization

2- Writing and evaluating professional reports

3- Evaluating existing materials and methods in the area of specialization

General and transferable skill

By the end of this program the graduate should understand and accommodate the following:

1- Effective communication

2- Utilizing information technology to serve development of professional practice

3- Self-assessment and determination of personal educational needs

4- Using different resources to obtain knowledge and information

5- Establishing rules and indicators for assessment of the performance of others

6- Team working and leading a team in familiar professional contexts

7- Efficient time management

8- Self and continuous learning