Branches of study

Sports Health Sciences Department Branches of study:-

- Tests and standards in health materials

-Descriptive anatomy

- Advanced study in exercise physiology

- Injuries and first aid

- Sports nutrition

- Research methods in health materials

- Physiology of sports

- Internationally prohibited stimulants in sports

- Applications (sports health)

- Sports health science

- Physiological measurements (1)

- Research session

- Physical disabilities

- Specialized applications (disabled sports)

- Strength training

- Physiological measurements (2)

 - Sports entrance for the disabled

- Functional anatomy

- Physiology of sports training

- Science of organ functions

- Advanced study in sports health

- Health education

- Anthropometric measurements

- Applications (sport physiology)

- Sports massage


- Sports rehabilitation

- Applications (specialized injuries)

- Advanced study in posture education

- Sports activities for the disabled

- First aid

- Advanced study in school health

- Introduction to sports injuries

- Sports competitions for the disabled