For the first time, Kafrelsheikh University ranks the Seventh Place Locally and No 901-1000 at the Level of World Universities in the Shanghai Ranking for 2022  


  The President Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky announces that the university has made progress in the Shanghai World University Rankings for 2022, as it ranks in seventh place at the level of Egyptian universities, and among the best 901-1000 universities in the Shanghai Rankings Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for this year out of 30 thousand universities.

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky mentions that the Shanghai Rankings Academic Ranking of World Universities "Shanghai" (ARWU) was first published in June 2003 by the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU) and the Faculty of Postgraduate for Education (formerly the Institute of Higher Education) at Shanghai University in China, and it was updated on annually basis  since 2009, ranking is conducted among the top 2,500 universities worldwide annually; in order to publish the best thousand universities, noting that the ranking depends on six objective indicators: the number of university graduates who won the Nobel Prize (10%), the number of staff members who won the Nobel Prize and the field medal in mathematics (20%), and the number of scientists with High citations included in Clarivate database (20%), number of papers published in Nature and Science (20%), number of papers indexed in the Science Citation Index- Expanded and Social Science Citation Index (20%), and individual academic performance at the university (10%).

Kafrelsheikh University got 22.2 points in the scientific publication index and 9.7 points in the universitys individual academic performance index, while the university also got 6.8 points in the Highly Cited Researcher performance index (a staff member from the university is included to List of the world's most cited scientists in 2021).

Dr Desouky stresses that the university's progress in the various international rankings is due to the development of the education system, scientific research, community service and technical support provided by the university represented in training in international publishing - preparing researchers and holding international conferences - providing accredited and under accreditation laboratories and international relations - and providing a High-level informatics structure - Existence of a strategic plan for scientific research - Providing the requirements of research laboratories - Cooperation with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. He thanks the universitys academic leaders, staff members, researchers, assistant staff, administrative staff and those in charge of classification.