The Schedule for the Elections of the Dean


The faculty is about to choose the dean by elections, so the general committee presents the schedule for the elections and cites for the following:

1)    The committee location is the control room.

2)    Its work ends at 12 pm.

3)    The candidates list is formed according to the latest applicant.

4)    The staff member will vote by himself and it is not allowed to appoint anyone.

5)    The counting of votes will be in the presence of either the candidate himself or one who has power of attorney accredited from the faculty.


They wish more success and progress for the faculty

The Schedule




The Procedures

Tuesday 15/5/2012

Tuesday 29/5/2012

The nomination for the dean position

Sunday 3/6/2012

Tuesday 5/6/2012

The requests of candidates concession

Wednesday 6/6/2012

Thursday 7/6/2012

The objections of one candidate against the other

Sunday 10/6/2012

Wednesday 13/6/2012

The study of objections and its results

Thursday 14/6/23012

The final list of the candidates

Sunday 17/6/2012

The presentation of candidates’ programs in the seminar hall from 10 am until 1 am and 30 minutes for every candidate to present his/her program (the schedule of programs  presentation will be announced later)

Monday 18/6/2012

Monday 9/7/2012

The propaganda of elections

Tuesday 10/7/2012

The day of elections for 9 am until 3 pm in the seminar hall

Wednesday 11/7/2012

Monday 16/7/2012

The propaganda of elections in the repetition period

Tuesday 17/7/2012

The repetition of elections from 9 am until 3 pm in the seminar hall


The general committee for the elections:

1)    Dr Alaa el Deen el Saied el Nagar (a head).

2)    Dr Om el Saad Abu el Enein Mohamed (a member).

3)    Dr Aml Mohamed Ahmed Zaied (a member).

The legal member in the university:

Prof Dr Ashraf Abed el Razeq Waih