El Kemary: the Establishment of Labs and workshops of the Faculty of Engineering at a Cost of 30 Million Pounds


The president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary held on Monday 1/8/2016 a meeting with constructions and labs committee to review the executive position for new constructions and the equipment of faculties such as the Faculty of Languages scheduled to be opened before the start of the new academic year, the auditoriums of the Faculty of Physical Therapy and the second phase of the buildings of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The design of Nanotechnology institute are presented according to the standards of smart buildings.


As well, el Kemary announces about the start of tender for the establishment of labs and workshops of the Faculty of Engineering according to the latest engineering equipment at a cost of 30 million pounds, the purchase of surveillance cameras and fiber optic cables to the university faculties of $ 2,000,200 thousand pounds and the equipment of auditoriums of the Faculty of Pharmacy “Bench” as well as a seminar hall at a cost of 60 thousand pounds.

The president has stressed on the officials of contracting companies implementing some construction works the speed completion of constructions on time especially the Faculty of Languages to start the study in the new academic year and the reception of new students pointing out that sanctions will be signed against reluctant and delayed companies in implementation.