Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Nadia Abed el Rahman el Ashal


Mental Health Department council agrees on October 25, 2015 to form judgment and discussion committee for the researcher Nadia Abed el Rahman el Ashal as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Amal Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor of Mental Health, the head of open education center and the dean (head and supervisor)

2)      Prof Dr Ismail Ibrahim Badr, the professor of Mental Health, the Faculty of Education, Banha University (external discussant)

3)      Prof Dr Subhy Abed el Fatah el Kafoury, the professor of Mental Health and the dean (supervisor and discussant)

4)      Dr Siham Abed el Gaffar Oliwa, the assistant professor of Mental Health and the department head (discussant)

The research title:

(The Effectiveness of a Behavioral ‚ Cognitive Counseling Program and a Family Counseling Program in Increasing Social Efficiency for Gifted Children with Learning Disabilities in the First Stage of Basic Education)