Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Mai Anwar Mohamed Khalifa


Mental Health Department Council agrees on Tuesday 29/9/2015 to register for the researcher Mai Anwar Mohamed Khalifa for getting PHD in education (specialism: mental health)

The research title:

(The Effectiveness of an Art Therapy Program in Developing Psychological Flow and Communication Skills among a Sample of Gifted Children with Hearing Impairment)

It is formed as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Nabih Ibrahim Ismail, the professor of Mental Health, the Faculty of Education, Shebeen el Koum, head and discussant

2)      Prof Dr Amal Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor of Mental Health, the manager of open education center and the previous dean (head and discussant)

3)       Prof Dr Subhy Abed el Fatah el Kafoury, the professor of Mental Health and the dean (discussant)