Registration of the Researcher Mahmoud Ahmed Abed el Hamid


Education Fundamentals Department council agrees on Sunday 31/5/2015 to form judgment and discussion for the researcher Mahmoud Ahmed Abed el Hamid Mabrouk

The research title:

(A Suggested Conception of an Electronic School in Egyptian Secondary Education)

It is formed as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Mohamed Mohamed Sakran, the professor emeritus of Education Fundamentals Department, Fayoum University (supervisor)

2)      Prof Dr Faisal el Rawy Refae Taei, the professor of Education Fundamentals, the Faculty of Education, Sohag University (discussant)

3)      Prof Dr Samir Abed el Hamid el Qotb, the professor of Education Fundamentals and the vice dean of Education and Students’ affairs (supervisor and discussant)

4)      Prof Dr Yasser Mustafa el Gendy, the professor of Education Fundamentals and the department head (supervisor and discussant)