Judgment and Discussion Committee


The faculty council agreed on Sunday 14/7/2013 to form judgment and discussion committee for the following:

1)    The researcher Enas Ahmed el Saied Mohamed to be granted PHD (specialism: mental health) by a thesis entitled " The Effectiveness of an individual Training Program to develop Communication in the deaf blind" as the following:

A)    Prof Dr Amal Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor and head of Mental Health Department (head and Supervisor).

B)    Prof Dr Anwar Abed el Gaffar, the professor of Mental Health, Mansoura University (discussant).

C)    Prof Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri, the professor of Mental Health Department and the vice dean for the affairs of education and students (discussant).


2)    The researcher Ahmed Abed el Hamid Abed el Rahman el Mahalwai to be granted Master's Degree (specialism: Mental Health) by a thesis entitled " The Effectiveness of a Religious and Psychological Counseling  Program in Reducing the Intesity of the Feeling of Allienation among Blind Adolescents" as the following:

A)    Prof Dr Rashad Ali Abed el Aziz Mosa, the professor of Mental Health Department, Azhar University (head and discussant).

B)    Prof Dr Amal Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor and head of Mental Health Department (supervisor and discussant).

C)    Prof Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri, the professor of Mental Health Department and the vice dean for the affairs of education and students (discussant).