The faculty council agreed on
Sunday 9/12/2012 to form discussion and judgment for:
1) The researcher Seham Abed el Monaim
el Bishbihi for getting Master’s degree in Education (mental health) by a
thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Counseling Cognitive
Bejavioral Program in Decreasing Psychological Loneliness for Geriatrics”
as the following:
Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor and head of mental health department (head
and discussant).
Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri, the professor of mental health department
and the vice dean for the affairs of education and students (supervisor and
Dr el Saied Mohamed el Bahass, the professor of mental health Department in
Tanta University.
The researcher Amani Youssef Abed el Halim Gad Allah for getting
Master’s degree in mental health department by a thesis entitled “The
Effectiveness of a Psychodramatic Technique in Deveioping Speech Communication
Skill a Sample of Deaf Children” as the following:
Dr Amal Abed el Sami Abaza, the professor and head of mental health department
(head and discussant).
Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri, the professor of mental health department
and the vice dean for the affairs of education and students.
Dr Ahmed Ahmed Motwali Omar, the assistant professor of mental health
department (external discussant).