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Eligibility Criteria
Academic year and Application Deadline
Required Learning Outcomes
Submission and successful defense of aformal PhD Dissertion
Academic year structure
Admission Requirements
Requirements for PhD Degree
PhD Publication Requirement
Tuition Fees
Course Description
Study Plan for PhD Degree
Admission to any PhD program is limited to students who satisfy all admission requirements, including language requirements.
A. Top-level Candidates have qualified a Master’s degree in Pharmacy or equivalent from a recognized university. However, the admission marks vary from year to year, depending on the number of applications.
B. Language requirements for admission to each program if your first language is not English: a minimum of 450 points in the TOEFL score or a minimum of 5 points on the IELTS exam and obtained within the last two years.
You will also need to submit to the Admissions office a copy of your CV and original or certified copies of your degree certificates/transcripts