Special News
Additional Controls and Terms to Attend some Cultural Relations activities

Post-graduation studies and research No 103 whose minutes is accredited from the president  agrees on May 17, 2015  agrees on the proposal from the vice president for post-graduation studies and research about putting additional terms to attend internal or external conferences whether with contribution or without contribution from the university which is working on raising university ranking in international rankings especially Webometrics classification and these controls and terms represent in the following:

It is necessary for staff members and assistant staff to publish their scientific production in university website, update their personal pages on Google Scholar and provide statement from IT manager or editors of faculties websites as a basic term for the following:

1)      Attending lectures with or without contribution from the university inside and outside the country

2)      Benefiting from research budget in the department

3)      The membership of different committees in the faculty

4)      Traveling in scientific missions or travel abroad or mandates

5)      Attending training courses