Special News
The Mechanism of the Implementation of Short-Term Scientific Mission

 The post-graduation studies council under the authority of Prof Dr el Saied Mohamed Hegazi agrees to put the mechanism of implementation which represents in:

1)      Deadline for the completion of documents qualified for the implementation of mission

2)      Deadline for providing the papers for the general management for missions is at most three months to send all updated papers to the general management for scientific and cultural relations

·         Delays in the implementation of mission procedures:

In the case that the member candidate for scientific mission does not take the procedures of providing the papers and the approval of foreign university for hosting and fulfillment of language during three months of the date of the approval of the President, the vice president for post-graduation studies and research will notify the general management for missions the nomination of the auxiliary candidate

·         Return during the mission:

In the case that the member comes back before the end of scientific mission, every case is studies separately according to the executes of return and in the case that there are no excuses, he/she will deprive of any scientific missions or attending conference abroad for three years.

·         According to the article No 34:

Every member of mission or scholarship fall behind mission or postpone the procedures of the dates determined by the missions management for unaccepted excuse, he/she will be deprived from the mission or scholarship as well as the nomination for any mission or scholarship by the decision of  executive committee.