Study Leave


1)    Governmental Scholarship for the study abroad.

2)    Personal scholarship.

3)    International scholarship. (The supreme council of universities, foreign organizations, the Islamic bank and research academy).

4)    Scientific scholarships for researches (missions).



The governmental scholarships:

    They are the foreign scholarships received by the general mission management. Every university gets some of them and every scholarship has its terms such as specialism, language and age. Its purpose is either the collection of scientific subject or getting Master’s degree and PHD.


How to nominate:

1)    The general management for the cultural relations tells the faculties the terms of these scholarships.

2)    The approval of the department and faculty councils of these nominations.

3)    The university received the nominations from the faculties and discharged them into lists to do preference.

4)    The nominations are presented over the post graduation and research council for the approval.

5)    The notification of the general management of the nomination.




The basic terms for the application of scholarship:

         Besides, one should take into account the terms from the general mission management, the priority in nomination should be in the specialisms that are not complete in the university and they should take into account the terms in the law of university regulation No (146,15,16,17,18) and the decree No 60 from the law of civilian workers for the year 1978.



The paperwork:

1)    A request for the scholarship.

2)    An accredited and sealed data form.

3)    The military service.

4)    The determination of the linguistic level.


The rules of preference for choosing candidates:

The faculty chooses the candidates according to the rules of preference approved by the post graduation studies and research council No 5 on 19/3/2007 and the university council No 11 on 23/4/2007 as the following:

1)    He/she should be an assistant professor.

2)    He/she should get Master.

3)    The oldest one in being an administrator.

4)    The oldest one in graduation.

5)    The general assessment.

6)    The oldest in age.

7)    In the case of being equal, the president or the one whom he will candidate will choose according to the public interest.


      The execution of scholarship:

    After getting the approval of the authority that presents scholarship, he/she should notify the faculty to get the following:

1)    The approval of department and faculty councils for giving the candidate the study holiday including its kind, purpose and period.

2)    An accredited data form (Arabic and English).

3)    Four poll forms (the approval of security).

4)    A document proves that he/she does not register for scientific degree in home or cancels it if found.

5)    The issuance of the decree special for study holiday including its type with or without salary for a year which can be renewed according to the decree No 146 from the law of university regulation which indicates the following:

It is allowed to dispatch the administrator or assistant professors to missions abroad or foreign scholarships or study holiday with or without salary. This is a decision from the president based on the suggestion of faculty or institution council after taking the opinion of department council and the approval of post graduation and research council.


6)    The notification of the general management of the decision.

7)    The notification and the member for presenting the following documents to the general mission management ( the decision of granting holiday, the approval of security, the medical examination and the completion of commitments for travel and the recruitment).


The extension of study holiday:

The study holiday extended for a second, third and fourth year by the approval of the president by the following terms:

1)    The student presents a request to extend before the end of the holiday three months at least.

2)    The approval of cultural consultant.

3)    The approval of the foreign supervisor.

4)    The approval of department and faculty councils.

5)    The approval of post graduation and research council.



The extension after the fourth year:

       This request is presented over the university council with the previous terms. In the case that the learner can not get PHD, the holiday will be extended for a fifth year by the previous conditions and present a detailed report from the supervisor that explains the justifications of extension.


The Extension after the fifth year:

      After the fifth year, the extension will be presented over the university council by the same conditions without salary inside and outside and the learner will arrange for the source of finance for the extension after the fifth year. This may be (scholarship from the university where he/she studies, an account in the bank that is equal for the required costs) and the same general rules for the member of foreign mission are applied (extension, return and the period of commitment).