Researches from University Research Support Fund (URSF)​


The Researcher

The Project Name, its duration and its budgets

The procedures


Dr Ashraf Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, the assistant professor in the department of Bacteria, fungi and immunity in the faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The genetic analysis for the bacteria resistant to antibiotic and leading to the inflammation of the udder of cattle 




Six months from the date of contract signing

10000 pounds.

Contract was signed on 6/6/2009


Dr Noor el Huda Abed el Wadood Helal, the assistant professor in the pesticide department in the faculty of Agriculture

The use of Methyl bromide alternative to fight the blights of stock grains.


Six months from the date of contract signing.

10000 pounds.

Contract was signed on 7/6/2009


Dr Sabri Mohamed Nassem Shaheen, the assistant  professor in the land department in the faculty of Agriculture

The pollution of water resources “drink and irrigation” and agricultural lands in Kafrelsheikh Province by the organic and non organic pollutants and the ways of its remedy.


A Year.

60000 pounds.

Contract was signed on 28/12/2009


Dr el Saied Belal Abed el Mutelb Belal, the assistant professor in the agricultural plant department in the faculty of Agriculture

The recycling of rice straw residues for the industrial purposes (biology fuel, chemical compound, amylase, tissue performance, compost and mushrooms …etc.) in Kafrelsheikh Province.


A year

60000 pounds.


Contract was signed on 28/12/2009


Prof Dr Abed el Nasser Abed el Latif Bakr, the professor in the nutrition and clinical nutrition in the faculty of veterinary Medicine

The genetic analysis for the bacteria resistant to antibiotic and leading to the inflammation of the udder of cattle.


A year.

60000 pounds.

Contract was signed on 28/12/2009


Dr Mohamed el Saied Rezq Abu el Maged el Ganam, the lecturer in the Anatomy and Embryology department.

The use of a new way for the biology technology to increase the meat production in the home poultry by inhibiting the activity of Meostsaten.


Two months.

70000 pounds.

Contract was signed on 30/6/2011


Prof Dr Farouk Abed el Salam el Aydi, the professor emeritus in the Olericulture department in the faculty of Agriculture

The performance of protected agriculture systems on the use of solar energy as one of the renewable energy in the improvement of pepper.


24 months.

90000 pounds.



Contract was signed on 8/6/2011.


Dr Walid Magid Mohamed Abed el Rahman el Moneir , the lecturer in Health and Preventive Medicine

The evaluation of effect of mutual diseases on public health, safety of food and economy in Kafrelsheikh Province

Code: KFURFO 11

18 months

40000 Egyptian pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Prof Dr Azza Mergani Mohamed Deeb, the professor of food control

The evaluation of quality of some food with animal origin in Kafrelsheikh

Code: KFURFO 9

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Mohamed Fahmi Abu Azab, lecturer in Clinical Pathology

Development of antibodies for the diagnosis and treatment of mycotoxins in poultry

Code: KFURFO 10

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Ayman SHawki, lecturer in Surgery Department

The impact cactus plant "Aleovera" for wound healing after burning to increase the production of growth factors

Code: KFURFO 12

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Mabrouk Ragab Fatoh el Sabbagh, lecturer in Animal Nutrition department

Study the effect of water pollution and fraud in  feed on  health and productivity of fish in Kafrelsheikh

Code: KFURFO 13

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Osama Ibrahim Nagi, assistant professor in Physics Department

The evaluation of atomic parameters in ionic systems

Code: KFURFO 18

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Kamal Riyadh Mahmoud, assistant professor in Physics Department

Study the change in the size of the free space of some organic and ceramics compounds by using spectroscopy of lifetime  positrons annihilation

Code: KFURFO 14

18 months

40000 pounds


Contract was signed in 3/7/2013


Dr Antar Nasr Salim el Bana, lecturer in Genetics Department

The use of biotechnology for the production of local seed potatoes resistance to brown rot disease

Code: KFURFO 8

18 months

40000 pounds

Contract was signed in 3/7/2013