National Academic Reference Standards (NARS).



In addition to the general attributes, the graduates must be able to:

1.1 Understand the life's basic processes in relation to organisms and ecosystems.

1.2.Recognize, understand and assess different levels of organization in biological systems.

1.3.Identify and characterize different communities and ecosystems supporting the biological organism.

1.4. Be acquainted with the modern subjects and biotechniques.

1. General and Transferable Skills

The graduates must be able to:

1. Use information and communication technology effectively.

2. Identify roles and responsibilities, and their performing manner.

3. Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on scientific basis.

4. Work in groups effectively; manage time, collaborate and x communicate with others positively.

5. Consider community linked problems, ethics and traditions.

6. Acquire self- and long lifelearning.

7. Apply scientific models, systems, and tools effectively.

8. Deal with scientific patents considering property right.

9. Exhibit the sense of beauty and neatness.

2. Knowledge and understanding in biological sciences

In addition to the knowledge mentioned in the general part for the Basic Sciences graduates, the Biologist must know and understand the:

2.1. Life of representative Taxa in different disciplines from cellular to organism.

2.2. Physiological aspects of organisms.

2.3. Taxa limit and the characteristic habitat features of representative organisms.

2.4. Processes and mechanisms in different ecosystems.

2.5. Theories applied for interpreting and analyzing biological information.

2.6. Complexity and diversity of organisms through the study of genetics, developmental stages and evolution.

3. Professional and Practical Skills

The Graduates of Biological Sciences programs must be able to:

3.1. Solve Biological problems by a variety of methods including computers and other recent tools.

3.2. Collect, record and analyze biological data using appropriate techniques in the field and laboratory.

3.3. Apply field and laboratory investigations of living systems in an ethical and responsible manner.

3.4. Select a representative sample considering its validity, accuracy and reliability during collection.

4. Intellectual Skills

The Graduates of Biological Sciences programs must be able to:

4.1. Interpret the subject-related knowledge to solve problems.

4.2. Formulate data and select the proper mechanism for their setting within a theoretical framework.

4.3. Assess the interrelationships and the impact of aspecific organism on its ecosystem.

4.4. Evaluate the ecosystem, its conservation, economics and sustainability.

4.5. Interpret biological data and respond to a variety of information sources.