Beginning of Students’ Union” Election at Kafrelsheikh University


According to the Prime Minister Decree No 2523 for 2017 for  Students’ Union” Election; Kafrelsheikh University begins the process of elections for academic year 2017/2018. In this regards, the university president Prof. Dr. Maged el Kemary mentioned that the aim of Students’ Unions is to allow and give the chance to the students to express their opinions  in a freedom and ambitions;  as well to practice students’ activities within the frame of  policies and regulations of the university; in addition to its role in supporting and sponsoring students’ interests and hobbies which help them to live in a healthy environment i.e. to build up their social , scientific and athletic sprit interactions.  H.E.  continued his words pointing out that, the aim of students’ unions also prepare graduates to be able of taking responsibility, being aware of their country, improving the value of belongingness to their nationality, and   society as well; in addition  deepening the basis of citizenship & democracy.

The university’ students will compete in seventeen faculties & in seven committees in the following fields: sportive, cultural, art, scientific, scouts, & social committees; in addition to the students’ families). Taking into account integrity and transparency are emphasized according to Policies and Regulations of Universities’ Bylaws.  The final stage of the election ‘process will be ended by December 14th, 2017.