The president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary agrees to
hold a competition for the best websites for different degrees (professor,
assistant professor, lecturer, assistant lecturer and administrator) at the
level of every faculty and the best faculty over the university.
We are honored to invite you to attend workshop
entitled “adding data of scientific researches and date on personal websites
and global databases (Google Scholar- Academia- Research gate)” in Development
and Information Center in the hall No (605) at 10 am on Tuesday 12/5/2015 until
staff members and assistant staff benefit from this workshop for participation
in the competition of the best website
The details:
At the level of every faculty: the best website
for professor, the best website for assistant professor, the best website for
lecturer, the best website for assistant lecturer, the best website for
At the level of university: the best faculty and
best team of ranking in the university (according to the total number obtained
by staff members and assistant staff divided by the number members in the
The date of website: 15/6/2015
The date of announcing results: 1/7/2015
For more
information, please communicate with:
Dr Tamer Medhat Mohamed, CIO
Email: cio@kfs.edu.eg
2) Eng
Ahmed Mohamed Abdu, the manager of Portal project
Email: prt@kfs.edu.eg