The Launch of the Theatrical Forum for the academic year 2023/2024



The activities of the Student Theater Forum are launched for the academic year 2023/2024, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky, President of the University; Dr. Mohamed Abdelaal, Vice President of the University for Education and Students’ Affairs, and Dr. Rushdy Al-Adawy, General Coordinator of Student Activities at the University, which is organized by the Cultural and Artistic Activity Department of the  General Administration for Student Welfare, at the Theater of the Faculty of Commerce.

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouki, President of the University, states that the theatrical forum will be held over a period of 10 days, with the participation of the faculties of “Agriculture - Nursing - Education - Arts - Pharmacy - Commerce - Physical Therapy - Medicine - Engineering - Veterinary Medicine,” confirming the keenness of the university administration to implement these creative and cultural activities, which contribute to demonstrating and refining students’ talents, as they are basic activities that are no less important than academic study, as culture in general and art in particular is what shapes minds and consciences, and contributes to building the student’s personality.

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky praises the activities of the theatrical forum for university students, as each faculty participates with a theatrical team of no more than 25 male and female students, stressing that theater has educational effects that are not hidden from an informed observer who realizes the importance of student activity, of which theater is one of the pillars.