Kafrelsheikh University leads a March in support of the President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi’s Decisions regarding rejecting the Displacement of Palestinians and declares Mourning

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky, President of the University, announces that the University will embark on a march in support of the President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi to take all necessary measures to prevent the malicious plan that attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause, through the displacement of our Palestinian brothers to Sinai, and Egypt’s refusal to liquidate the Palestinian cause with military tools, or any attempts to forcibly displace the Palestinians from their land, or for this to come at the expense of the countries of the region.

The march comes out of Kafrelsheikh University, declaring its full support for all steps taken by the Egyptian state in this regard, regardless of the prices that will be paid, as Egyptian national security is a red line, and tampering with the capabilities of the Egyptian people or trying to seize part of their land is completely unacceptable.

Dr. Desouky appreciates these brave and clear statements from the President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, Egypt’s strong support for the Palestinian people, saying that they also reflect the unity of the Egyptian people in their belief in the Palestinian people’s cause and confirm that Egypt will not abandon its support for them.


Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouki also appreciates the decision of President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, to declare a state of general mourning throughout the Arab Republic of Egypt for a period of three days, for the lives of the innocent victims of the crime of bombing the National Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip, and for all the martyrs of the brotherly Palestinian people.