

The pediatric nursing department aims to:

1.     Providing students with the skills, information, concepts, and attitudes needed for child nursing interventions in health and disease.

2.     Promote nursing care practices for children in different age groups that are based on evidence and information extracted from the results of scientific research.

3.     Paying attention to the periodic updating of pediatric nursing curricula for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in line with scientific progress and the needs of society.

4.     Activating the concept of self-learning among students and using it in pediatric nursing curricula for the undergraduate and postgraduate stages.

5.     Conducting research and scientific dissertations in the field of pediatric nursing and its specializations using modern scientific evidence and applying the results of these researches to the nursing practice of children.

6.     Developing the research skills of faculty and assisting staff and applying evidence-based research results in the field of pediatric nursing.

7.     Regular and continuous training for faculty members and the department's assisting body to keep pace with what is recent in the field of pediatric nursing and its specializations.

8.     Activating the means of cooperation with institutions, health authorities and scientific societies related to child health.

9.    Upgrading the performance of nurses in the nursing care of children by holding training courses and workshops.