Vision & Mission


The Faculty of al-Alsun’s Spanish Department aims to become an integrated

educational system, known for credibility and ability to develop itself in pursuit of

excellence and competitiveness at the local, regional and international 

levels. Looking to serve the faculty’s general objective – to be a long-standing

institution – the department also attempts to serve the purposes of inclusive social

development and national welfare.


The Spanish Program’s mission is designed to improve students’ linguistic and

cognitive skills through studying the Spanish literature and linguistics, along with

various translation genres to qualify them for the needs of the labor market. The

department also seeks to create a scientific and academic atmosphere that boosts

flexibility, broad-mindedness and self-development through interacting with other

departments and by promoting the value of lifelong learning


Que el Departamento de Español de La Universidad de Kafr El Sheikh

cuente con un programa integrado en el proceso educativo, atestiguado

por su crediblidad y su capacidad de desarrollo con el objetivo de alcanzar

la excelencia y la competividad a nivel regional, local e internacional.


La misión del programa del español se determina en la preparación

lingüística y cognitiva del alumno, al estudiar la lingüística, las literaturas

hispánicas, y las diversas asignaturas de traducción, para crear una 

persona cualificada de acuerdo con los requisitos del mercado