An attempt was made to evaluate the variation between Hungarian and Egyptian isolates of Botrytis cinerea on the basis of molecular studies. Sequences from the minisatellites MSB1 and the widely used molecular marker in phylogenetic works, the translation elongation factor 1 subunit alpha (EF-1?=tef1), were identified. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted with PAUP*4.0b by parsimony analysis. Topological robustness in parsimony analysis was estimated using 1000 bootstrap replicates. Our results show that two of the three studied Egyptian isolates of B. cinerea have been proved to be similar to the Hungarian ones on the basis of both minasatellites and tef1 sequences while the remaining one was completely different. The similarity between Hungarian and Egyptian isolates might be due to phylogenic relationship or conidial dispersal between both countries.