The President heads the Dean Selection Committee of the Faculty of Education


Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky, President of the University, heads the meeting of the Dean Selection Committee of the Faculty of Education at the University, to conduct interviews and select candidates for the Deanship of the Faculty, with the membership of Dr. Ramadan Abd El-Hamid Tantawy, former President of Damietta University and Professor at the Faculty of Education, Damietta University; Dr. Abd El-Fattah Badr, Professor at the Faculty of Science, Helwan University; Dr. Ali Abu Shousha, former Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, and Dr. Amal Abaza, Professor at the Faculty of Education, Kafrelsheikh University and former Dean of the Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazek Desouky confirms Kafrelsheikh University's keenness to select deans of faculties at the university level according to the specified criteria and with complete impartiality and in accordance with the specifications of the ministerial decision in this regard approved by the Supreme Council of Governmental Universities.


The President of Kafrelsheikh University states that the committee listens during its meetings to the performance development plans, proposals and ideas of the applicants for the deanship of the faculty and the vision of each applicant for its development, whether from an educational, research or societal perspective.