Enrollment conditions

Enrollment in the program is allowed for students who have a high school certificate, mathematics division, or its equivalent, who have been distributed to the Faculty of Engineering - Kafrelsheikh University through the Coordination Office, or who are transferred from other faculties according to the conditions set by the Supreme Council of Universities and in accordance with the internal controls set by the Council The college, and the conditions of the coordination office with regard to distribution or transfers may not be exceeded.

It is required that the student pass the admission tests set by the College Council.

Degree Awarding:

Kafrelsheikh University grants, upon the request of the Faculty of Engineering, a bachelor's degree with a credit-hour system in the field of intelligent systems engineering.

The student is granted a graduation certificate indicating the name of the main program (
Intelligent Systems Engineering), in addition to the name and grade of the graduation project.

Degrees are awarded to students who complete the graduation requirements at the end of each semester