El Kemary in the Celebration of Reception of New Students at the Faculties of Physical Therapy, Arts and Education: “We must Face Challenges and not to be Deceives by Rumors that Work on the Demolitio


The president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary has witnessed today Thursday 11/10/2016 the ceremony of the reception of the new faculties organized by the Faculties of Physical Therapy, Arts and Education to know the university, its faculties, programs and different student activities.

At the beginning, el Kemary welcomes the new students at the beginning of new academic year and congratulates them for their enrollment to Kafrelsheikh University belonging to the family of this university which transfer from the constitution phase to the excellence phase in education, scientific research and community service. He also said that by your belonging to the university, you should maintain it as it belongs to all Egyptians and stressed that by the Egyptian strength, no one can impair Egypt.

As well, he adds that there are many internal and external challenges to undermine this country and its institutions through provoking rumors as our basic role is to work on facing this challenges and not being misled by the rumors. He also urges the students and staff members to exceed personal differences and promote the public interest over private interest.

At the end of his speech, he recommends the student for the need for diligence in the collection of academic sciences, acquiring more skills that will qualify them for labor market after graduation, the need for participation in different student activities whether sport or art or cultural or social which in turn helps to raise the efficiency of students, the development of innovation and the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood as well as a role in community service and to be the best ambassadors for the university everywhere.

El Kemary asks staff members to develop curriculum, work on building the personality of students, change the patterns and techniques of education to comply with the twenty-first century and change the concept of education from conservation and indoctrination to the concept of learning and search for information from its various sources as well as spread the culture of innovative thinking.