Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Hazem Abed Allah Ahmed


Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department council agreed on September 25, 2015 to form judgment and discussion committee for the researcher Hazem Abed Allah Ahmed

 The research title:

( The Effectiveness of the Brain Storming Program using Multimedia Developing Some Geometric Problem Solving Skills and Creative ABILITIES among Students of the Preparatory Stage )

It is formed as the following:

1)      Prof Dr el Azab Mohamed Zahran, the professor of curriculum and teaching methods “mathematics”, Banha University (head and external discussant)

2)      Prof Dr Abed el Gawad Abed el Gawad Bohoot, the professor of curriculum and teaching methods and the vice dean for environment affairs and community service (supervisor)

3)      Dr Samiha Mohamed Fathi, the emeritus professor of curriculum and teaching methods “mathematics” (internal discussant)