Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Mohamed Mustafa el Sidi


Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department council agreed on September 25, 2015 the proposal of forming judgment and discussion committee for the researcher Mohamed Mustafa Ali el Sidi as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Abed el Malik Taha el Rifae, the professor of curriculums and teaching methods “science”, the Faculty of Education, Tanta University (head and discussant)

2)      Prof Dr Zobaida Mohamed Karny, the professor of curriculums and teaching methods “science”, the Faculty of Education, Mansoura University (external discussant)

3)      Prof Dr Abed el Gawad Abed el Gawad Bohoot, the professor of curriculum and teaching methods and the vice dean for environment and community service (supervisor)

       The research title:

  (The Interaction Effect between Bybee Model for Constructive Style and Cognitive Style on Physics comprehension and Scientific Investigation Skill Development among First Secondary Grade Students)