Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Mariam Abed el Salam Shehata


Mental Health Department agrees on Wednesday 30/8/2015 to form judgment and discussion committee for the researcher Mariam Abed el Salam Fotoh Shehata for getting Master’s Degree in education (specialism: mental health)

The research title:

( The Effectiveness of  a Family Counseling Program in Improving the Quality of Life and Personality Solidarity for the Families of Mentally-handicapped Children

It is formed as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Subhy Abed el Fatah el Kafoury, the professor of Mental Health and the dean (head and supervisor)

2)      Dr Ahmed Ahmed Motwali Abu Omar, the professor of Mental Health, the Faculty of Education, Tanta University (head and supervisor)

3)      Dr Siham Abed el Gafar Oliwa, the assisatant professor of Mental Health and the department head (discussant)