Judgment and Discussion Committee for the Researcher Shaimaa Abed el Raoof Abed el Rahman


Educational Psychology Department council agrees to form judgment and discussion committee for the researcher Shaimaa Abed el Raoof Abed el Rahman for getting PHD in education (specialism: educational psychology)

The research title:

(THE Effectiveness of a Training Program based on The Theory of Information processing in Improving The working Memory Performance , and reading comprehension for mental  Retarded (educable)


The judgment and discussion committee is formed as the following:

1)      Prof Dr Sanaa Mohamed Suliman, the professor of educational psychology in the Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University (head and supervisor)

2)      Prof Dr Nosra Abed el Mageed Galgal, the professor emeritus of educational psychology (supervisor and discussant)

3)      Dr Alaa el Deen el Saeed el Nagar, the assistant professor of educational psychology and the department head (discussant)

4)      Dr Kawathar Qotb Abu Qora, the assistant professor of educational psychology (supervisor and discussant)