The Launch of Development Bridges Program


Scientific Research and Technology Academy announces about the launch of "development bridges program" to link between Egyptian scientists inside and outside, benefit from their experts in developing the abilities of Egyptian researchers inside and find solutions for the problems of Egyptian society

"Development bridges" is a program which supports the participation of Egyptian scientists in researches and development and transfer technology which helps in solving the problems of Egyptian industry and Egyptian community

The necessary funding is provided to conduct mutual researches among scientists inside and outside to benefit youth in the first place

The finance: a maximum of one million Egyptian pounds

The period: 2-3 months

One Egyptian researcher or more aboard should participate within the research team

To know Egyptian researcher abroad, communicate with Scientific Research and Technology Academy

The door of application is open around the year

The research proposals are evaluated in January, April, July and November

The application is electronically from 22/2/2015 (and from 28/2/2015 for Egyptian researchers abroad) through academy website

For more information, please visit:

The official: Mrs Salma Easawy and Mr Amr Radwan

Kasr el Aini Street, the fourth floor, 11516, Cairo 101

T: 20227920126+

Fax: 20227947807