The faculty council agreed on Sunday
10/2/2013 to register for the following:
1) The researcher Ayman Hamid Salem for
getting Master's degree in Education (specialism: mental health) by a thesis
entitled "The effectiveness of a behavioral cognitive program
disorders for decreasing social isolation teenagers" under the authority of:
A) Prof Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri,
the professor of mental health and the vice dean for the affairs of education
and students
B) Dr Azza Abed el Rahman Hasan, lecturer in
mental health department.
2) The researcher Shaimaa Abed el Latif Abu
Saada for getting Master's degree in Education (specialism: mental health) by a
thesis entitled "The relationship between the cognitive style "
impulsiveness – prudence" and some psychosomatic disorders for hearing
impaired teenagers" under
the supervision of:
A) Prof Dr Subhi Abed el Fatah el Kafouri,
the professor of mental health department and the vice dean for the affairs of
education and students.
B) Dr Seham Ali Abed el Gafar, a lecturer in
mental health department.
3) The researcher Mohamed Attia el Saied el
Kadi for getting Master's degree in education (specialism: psychology) by a
thesis entitled "Thinking styles in the light of cognitive structure
dimensions among general secondary school students" under the supervision of:
A) Dr Alaa el Deen el Saeed el Nagar, the
assistant professor of psychology department.
B) Dr Kwathar Qutb Abu Qawra, a lecturer in
psychology department.