Requirements for Master`s Degree


·         For a student to obtain a master's degree in one of the branches of dentistry, the following are required:

·         1- To devote himself to studying the courses stipulated in these study curriculum

·         2- To follow all the academic courses stipulated in these regulations according to the different disciplines

·         3- To achieve a full attendance rate and allow, in special circumstances, to accept excuses within the limits of 25% after the approval of the College Council

·         4- Preparing a scientific thesis from the colleges research plan on an innovative topic determined by the department council. The student is allowed to register the thesis topic after the first semester. The student is also allowed to discuss the thesis after a full year has passed, starting from the date of the college councils approval of registration in addition to the conditions in Article (17).

·         5- To pass successfully all the courses included in the system of credit hours separately, which are determined by the department council, and to perform all practical requirements (requirements) and record them in his (Log Book) with the signature of the departments supervising professors, and the booklet is subject to evaluation by a committee composed of Postgraduate studies, which submit a report to the Postgraduate Studies Council.

·         6- Publishing a research extracted from the thesis in an international scientific journal with an impact factor, a condition of the discussion

·         7- To successfully pass the integrated final exam