

1.     The mission of the department should be in line with the overall mission of developing specialized cadres at a high level in the field of statistics and insurance capable of competing in the Labour market at the national and regional levels.

2.     Grants bachelor's master's and PHD degrees in statistics and insurance, as well as diplomas in applied statistics, insurance, and scientific computing to graduates of departments or other colleges.

3.     Preparation and graduation of a specialist trained in modern and contemporary statistical methods and qualified to use various statistical computers and programs for work in statistical units of official departments, institutions and the private sector.

4.     Disseminate statistical awareness in the country through statistical conferences and contribute to the development of statistical training courses, curricula, symposiums and seminars.

5.     Participation in other departments of the faculty, community service and environmental development through statistical consultancy and training courses provided by faculty members of the department.

6.     Participate in the service of colleges, whether inside or outside the university, through the assignments of faculty members to them.

7.     Participate in the service of some universities in the Arab world by seconding some faculty members in the department to them.

8.     Feeding graduate programs in the department with distinctive elements to continue studying after graduation in the theoretical and applied field.

9.      Providing statistical courses and consultations for government and private departments and institutions.

10.                         Participation of students in conducting economic feasibility studies for projects referred to the department in its field of specialization in order to provide them with experience and knowledge in this field.

11.                        Implementation of specialized training programs in the fields of statistics and insurance in all sectors of education and the state at the local and regional levels.

12.                         Preparing and graduating a specialist trained in modern and contemporary statistical methods and qualified to use computers and various statistical programs to work in statistical units in official departments and institutions and the private sector.

13.                        Qualification and training on the use of new tools to achieve access to information at the local and global levels.

14.                        Preparing curricula for the subjects taught in the scientific departments of humanitarian and scientific institutes and colleges and for the degree of diploma, bachelor's, higher diploma, master's and PHD.

15.                         Developing postgraduate studies to serve the country's needs in all statistical fields and in operations research.

16.                        Continuous research of the department's employees to prepare specialized statistical research and studies with a focus on applied research that provides solutions to scientific problems, as well as authoring and translating scientific and methodological books.

17.                         Preparing highly qualified scientific frameworks through master's and doctoral programs to benefit from them in the field of teaching and research in universities and institutes.

18.                         Providing consulting services in the field of specialization.