Special News
Collaborative agreement between Kafrelsheikh University & National Commission for Nigerian Universities


On his office today morning 26/09/2017, H.E. Prof. Dr. Maged Elkemary president of Kafrelsheikh university welcomed a Team from National Commission for Nigerian Universities “Supreme Council of Universities”, where including 153 university divided into Federal, States, & Private, the team headed by Mr. Ibrahim Aro Dania Vice director of the organization & with the presence of Dr. Ibrahim Abed AlBaset و Egyptian Cultural Attaché’ in Nigeria.

Prof. Elkemary expressed that Kafrelsheikh university is welling and ready to host Nigerian undergraduate students
for study for Baccalaureate Degree & in post-graduate studies in different specialties as well, in addition overcoming
any obstacles facing Nigerian students while their study.  H.E. pointed also that the university   includes many of the faculties
which offer different Featured Programs in all updated scientific specialties.   

On their meeting also, a discussion has been done regarding possibilities of collaborative agreement between Kafrelsheikh University Nigerian Universities in different fields i.e. exchange visits, training, development of academic staff , in addition possibilities of increment of Nigerian students at kafrelsheikh university , meet Nigeran needs in different specializations.

On his side , the Vice director of the National Commission for Nigerian Universities praise and express his admiration of all facilities of Kafrelsheikh University  stressing on the importance of activation and cooperation with university and being oriented with all its scientific and research facilities.

 At the end of the Nigerian team visit to Kafrelshikh University, two collaborative agreements
have been signed by the two parties for receiving Nigeran students to set for study at Kafrelsheikh University;
one related to training in the field of Aquaculture and fish processing, and the other one in the field of nursing
 “between Faculty of Nursing & Nigerian Universities.