Faculty of Agriculture


Faculty of Agriculture has the following departments:

1- Agricultural Economics

2- Agricultural Engineering

3- Animal Production

4- Agronomy

5- Dairy Science

6- Economic Entomology

7- Food Technology

8- Genetics

9- Horticulture

10- Pesticides

11- Agricultural Botany

12- Poultry Production

13- Soil Science

Academic Programs

 Undergraduate Programs

Faculty of Agricultural offers the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Degree in one of the following programs:

1- Agricultural Economics                                                            

2- Agricultural Engineering                                                          

3- Animal production

4- Agronomy                                                             

5- Dairy Science                                                       

6- Economic Entomology                                          

7- Food Technology                                                  

8- Agricultural Extension                                           

9- Floriculture

10- Genetics

11- Vegetable Crops

12- Pesticides

13- Agricultural Botany

14- Poultry Production

15- Soil Science

16- Pomology

17- Rural Sociology

 Postgraduate Programs

 The Faculty offers the Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of

Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degrees in the above programs as same as
