
The department has Animal Physiology and biotechnology lab., Animal Nutrition Lab., and Experimental Fish Lab., which includes many important devices such as:

1-    Spectrophotometer: measure enzymes and blood components

2-    Dry Unit: for green and concentrated feed materials

3-    Incineration to estimate the mineral salts

4-    Centrifuges

5-    - water distillation devices

6-    - multi-purpose microscopes

7-    - PH measuring devices

8-    Artificial vagina for sheep and cows

9-    warm water bath

10-   Keldahl protein estimation system in diets,

11-   SOCSLET system for estimating fat in diets

12-   Determine the different measurements of farm animals in blood, feed and feed materials.

13-   The department also has a typical research farm with different numbers of cows, buffaloes and sheep.