إمتحانات سابقة



 نموذج امتحان 1            

نموذج امتحان 2


نموذج امتحان 3





The University of KafrElsheikh                                          Date: 17 / 4 / 2011

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine                                        Time allowed: 45 min.

Subject : Pharmacology                                                     periodical practical exam

Name: …………………                                   B                      Academic Number: ….

I-Complete the following-

1-       0.5 qt=……………… m =………………... Tsp =…………. .……..cc

2-       10 cc Sc q.i.d. q.o.d. for a month = …………….……….. IV

3-       The IM dose in a cat 40 tbsp, SC dose in 5 months calf =…………… O (adult cattle age 18 month)

4- What drip rate you use to deliver 10/pt/oz/h of Nacl 10% to 20 lb cat using microdrip ( 60 gtt/ml )




5- How can you prepare 2 fl.oz. Potassium permanganate solution with 0.2  dr. active principle from stock solution of 20 dr. active principle  in every 2 o.








Site of action





















II- Give the reason:


1-       Narcotic prescription should be written in ink.

2-       We cannot write any drugs in the prescription.

3-        Ti can be equal to 1.

4-       The producing company should not be written in the typical prescription.



Faculty of Veterinary Medicine                           Periodical Exam. 4/2010

Pharmacology Department                                 Time: 45  minutes



1- Contraindication of using quinurinum sulphate as babesiocidal drugs …………………………………………………………………….

2-       Etaphylline acting is bronchodilator by ……………………………



3-       Pot.iodide used as expectorant due to ……………………………...


4-       Nicarbacin not used for layer due to ………………………………

5-       Mechanism of ionophorous as coccidiocidal ……………………....

6-       Disadvantage of using sulphonamides as anticoccidial are ………..............................................................................................................

7-       Anticoccidails approved for layer are ……………………………............................


8-  Infection ocured by ………….…..,………..…….,……………….and ………………..….

                                  While the infestation occured by ………………………………….............................

9-       Mechanism of action of :

a-       Arecholine Hcl…..........................................................................................

b-       Prasiquantil …………………………………………………………………………………...

c-       Niclozamide …………………………………………………………………………………….

d-       Piprazine …………………………………………………………………………………………

e-       Ivermectine…………………………………………………………………………………..….

10-       Diagnosis of drug toxicity depends on:……………………………………………………..


11-       Antibacterial has extended action include ……………………….………….

    like ………….


12- Benethamine is added to penicillin to …………………………………………………………


13- Sulbactam is added to ampicillin to ……………………………………………………………

14- On intramuscular of cephalosporine you take care from ………………………………

15- Penicillin should not be mixed with aminoglycoside because …………………………

    16- Spectinomycin is mixed with lincomycin to …………………………………………………

    17- Tetracyclines is used with caution on intravenous injection …………………………

    18- Zinc is added to bacitracin to ……………………………………………………………………

    19- Tiamulin is not used with monensin …………………………………………………………

        20- Compare between the following:

          a- intentional and unintentional incompatibility


                      b- vehicle and adjuvant


a- The dose in sheep is 10 mg/kg the dose in camel =……….

b- The s/c dose is 80 mg/kg the per rectum dose =………….

c- The i.v dose in cat is 20 mg/kg, the s/c dose in cattle =………….

d- 8 Ib = ……… dr.

e-18 pt =…….. gtt.

f-The veterinarian prescribe 2.5 m.g terramycin, q.i.d, q.o.d for a week, tablets on hand 10m

   scored. How many tablets will be administrated?





The University of KafrElsheikh                                          Date: 21 / 1 / 2010

Third Year                                                                             Full Mark: 25 Marks

Subject : Pharmacology                                                      Final Exam. : 1 semister

Name: …………………                         B                              Academic Number: ….

Answer as much as you can



1-Write short notes on:


A-       Synthesis and kinetic of adrenaline.

b-       Compare between prazosin and reserpine as sympatholytic drugs.

c-       Compare between ketamine and hexobarbital as injectable anaethetics.

d-       Compare between salbutamol and Ephedrine.                        ( 6 marks)

2- Write briefly on:

e-       Two cholinomimetic alkaloids clinically used in vetrenary practice.

f-       Effect of pH on activity of lidocaine Hcl  with mechanism of action.

g- Compare between tubocurarine and succinylcholine.          (6 marks)

3- Discuss the following;

h-       Salicylates should be used in arthritis.

i-       Barbiturates duration of action is affecting by its metabolism.

j-       Xanthine is used in congestive heart failure.                          ( 4.5 marks)

4-Explain the following:

k-       Dose – response relationships with diagram.

l-       Factors affecting on drug residues.

m-       Biotransformation plays a role in drug interaction.               ( 6 marks)

5-Write fully on the following:

n-       Uses of antihistaminic .

o- Mechanism of action of heparin               ( 2.5 marks)





