Special News
General Service and Camps Management

 The Definition for scouts:

It is one stage of scouts stages began in 1918 that aims to form integrated person capable of fighting in life including the aspirations of citizens who can make himself and others happy, benefit himself and others and the advancement of his society by the following factors:

1)    The strengthening of upholding spiritual religious values.

2)    The ability to take decision and take responsibility.

3)    The ability for acquiring comprehensive self-development skills and medical trends.

4)    The deepening of spirit of loyalty and belonging for society.

5)    The establishment of work foundations in community spirit.


The goals of scouts:

1)    Providing the opportunities for adult activities and their skills.

2)    The participation in various cultural, art, social and religious activities.

3)    Opening the door for meeting with new persons and forming new relations.

4)    The participation in various activities with physical challenge and contribution to reach the maximum degree for the development of their personalities.

5)    The development of their ability to deal with others.

6)    The participation in scout club.

7)    The provision of opportunities for scout person to live in a system in line with religious beliefs.


The requirements to be accepted in scouts:

Candidates join scouts officially by wearing kerchief and the performance of promise in agreement ceremony as the following:

1)    Know some information about clan and its history.

2)    Participation in clan activities.

3)    Participation in one camp of clans.

4)    Participation in one of community service projects.

5)    Remember of promise and law:

A)    I promise to do my best in my work.

B)    I promise to do my duty toward Allah, then Home.

C)    I promise to carry out scout law.

D)    I promise to do act of kindness every day.


?         Camps:

To participate in camps, the student should be from outstanding students morally and scientifically and in sportive, art, cultural and social activities.

First, permanent Baltim camp:

It starts from the exams of second term of July until the first I September

Second, leadership preparation camp in the following cities:

1)    Arish

2)    Port Said

3)    Ismailia

4)    Alexandria

5)    Hilwan, el Fayoum


 Third, Islamic Abi Bakr el Sidik camp in Alexandria (male and female stuents)

?         The projects executed through the academic year 2012/2013:

1)     The sixth scout festival over the university for the first term.

2)    The participation in fifth apical instructional course in the second term.

3)    The tenth universities' youth week in South Valley University with the beginning of the second term.

4)    The participation in fifth forum for general service for scouts persons in Monofia University in the second term.

5)    The participation in the fifth general service forum for scouts persons of Egyptian universities in Mansoura University in the second term.