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1)    The Religious Competition

Under the authority of the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary and the vice president for the affairs of education and students Prof Dr Mohamed el Saied Abu Walli, general management for youth welfare (art and cultural activity management) organized religious competition in Holy Quran, Islamic Culture and the fourteen Nawawi Hadith.

The judgment committee:

1)    Prof Dr Mohamed Ahmed el Amrousi, the professor of Linguistics in the faculty of Arts.

2)    Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Abed el Fatah

The result:


The first place

The second place

The third place

Holy Quran

Sahar Ahmed Abed el Fatah

The faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Magdi Ali Ibrahim Mohamed

The faculty of Commerce

Anas Ezzat Mohamed Kassab

The faculty of Commerce

Half of Holy Quran

Morgan Goma Othman

The faculty of Education

Safaa Mohamed Zaied

The faculty of Education

Asem Abed el Hamid Mohamed

The faculty of Science

Quarter of Holy Quran

Marwa Mohamed Zaied

The faculty of Arts

Mohamed Othman Farg

The faculty of Agriculture

Fatma Abed el Satar Ali

The faculty of Education

The fourteen Nawawi Hadith

Anwar Ibrahim Anwar

The faculty of Education 

Mabrouk Mohamed Saber

The faculty of Education

Magdi Ali Ibrahim Mohamed

The faculty of Commerce



2)    Good News

 New numbers of dormitories’ students are accepted as the following:

First: Females:

It is accepted as the percentage of success in high school:

The faculty of Arts 81.22

The faculty of Commerce 84.76

The faculty of Education 92.07

The faculty of Agriculture 63.66

The faculty of Veterinary Medicine 96.68

The faculty of Physical Education 66.59

The faculty of Science 92.68

The faculty of Specific Education 84.39

The faculty of Pharmacy 97.9

They will exclude the dwellers of near centers and villages of province, but will accept the old students who get good and who were excluded before to complete 60% of students who should be accepted in dormitories according to schedule.


Second, males:

They accept old students who get good to complete 60% of students according to schedules and they do not accept any new students. Moreover, they will receive rooms from 15/12/2012 by 310.50 Egyptian pounds including the costs of Half of December and 50 pounds for insurance that will be returned in the end of year.

For more information, one should go to electronic coordination department in the general dormitories management


3)    The Fourth Theatrical Forum:

Under the authority of the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary and the vice president for the affairs of education and students, general management for youth welfare (cultural and art activity management) organizes the fourth theatrical forum for the academic year 2012/2013 in the university theater on 5-12 December 2012 as the students will present (directing, Decoration, music, poems and theatrical)


The judgment committee:

1)    Mr Osama Shafiq, theatrical director and art critic

2)    Eng Samir Zidan, decoration engineer.







4)    The Events of Fourth Theatrical Forum

Under the authority of the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary and the vice president for the affairs of education and students, general management for youth welfare (cultural and art activity management) organizes the fourth theatrical forum for the academic year 2012/2013 in the university theater on 5-12 December 2012. The events will begin on Wednesday.

The following schedule shows the theatrical shows:


The date

The faculty

The show



Photo album



Veterinary Medicine


The student Abed el Rahman Ahmed Mahmoud

The student Ahmed Abu el Ataa





The search for Saied Abu el Naga

Ahmed Hasan el Bana

The student Mohamed el Zoharai






He loves her

The student Ibrahim Jamal Gonaim

The student Mustafa Reda Saleh




Specific Education


Hasan Zain el Abaiden

The student Mohamed Alaa Awni





The case

Walid Youssef

The student Mohamed Alaa el Deen





I want to marry (mission in Tal Abib)

The student Ibrahim Jamal Ganaim

The student Mohamed Ezzat




Sport Education

We will tell a story quoted from (

Samir Abed el Baki


the student Mohamed el Haitami