After confirming the drafting committee of higher education law headed by the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary in one of its sessions on the importance of link between higher education institutions and industry as well as strengthening links with production sector through intellectual capital for staff members in Egyptian universities, the linkage between industry and universities division in the higher education ministry prepares to issue a series of scientific methodology about industry and universities which aim to achieve the productive correlation with the sectors of national income and form Egyptian intellectual capital which will restore leadership to Egypt in various fields of science and knowledge to become development starting point energy for new Egypt.
This version has issued many topics including:
1) Within supportive legislative framework for small and micro industries in Egyptian economy.
2) The economics of renewable energy production
3) Economic guide for economic investment
4) Raise the productive efficiency for Egyptian cotton and textile industries
5) Technology of recycling (from environmental benefits to economic return)
6) The role of science and knowledge in modernizing production functions and low cost
7) Standard guide for professional specialisms and organizational competencies
8) Procedural guide for establishing small and micro projects
9) The economy of knowledge and its investment applications in Egypt and Arab countries
10) The professors from knowledge leadership to community leadership
For the owners of outstanding experience in these fields to communicate through Email:
For more inquiries, please communicate with executive director of division of linkage between industry and universities on phone number: 01008117447
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