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Work Climate Based on Trust: Empirical Approach Multi–Relationships
Research Areafaculty-of-commerce
Authorsأ.د/ محمد أبوالقمصان محمد عبدالوهاب
AbstractThe current study examined six different types of the employees' trust in immediate supervisor, Top management, and coworkers through two levels of trust: cognitive and affective trust. It examined the effects of employees' trust on both achievement motivation and continuous improvement. Data were collected from 256 employees who work in three different staffs representing the working staffs in Kafr El-Sheikh university. These three staffs are: teaching staff and their assistants, the constant employees staff, and the temporal employees staff. The results assured that six types of trust had different effects on achievement motivation and continuous improvement. Also, trust types' effects differ in every functional staff from the others. Discussion, recommendations, and suggestions for future research are concluded in the paper.

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