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Separation and Lack of Separation of Subpopulation in the Mixed Distributions
Research Areafaculty-of-commerce
Authorsولـــيد محمد عفيفى W.M. Afify
JournalCommunications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation
AbstractThis is a comparative study between the estimates of parameters ofmixed distributions in the case of the possibility of separating the units of subpopulation or the absence of that possibility under the progressive type I censored test data. An iterative procedure is developed and tested numerically to obtain new estimators and their variance–covariance matrix. Finally, we will use the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators as well as its asymptotic distribution and the parametric bootstrap method; then, we will discuss the construction of confidence intervals for the mean parameter and their performance is assessed through Monte Carlo simulations.

جميع الحقوق محفوطة ©للوحدة المركزية للبوابة الالكترونية جامعة كفرالشيخ