kfslogo أ.د/ايمان عبد الفتاح محمد الحصرى

السيرة الذاتية باللغة الإنجليزية


Personal Data

Name                        : Eman Abd Elfatah Mohamed Abd Elazeem


Age                           :34 yr.

Marital state            : married

Nationality               : Egyptian

Foreign Language   : English

Address                    : Kafr Elsheikk  – Egypt

Phone number          : Home:0472707615  , Mobile: 01001329646

Educational Experience:

-B.Sc of Physical Therapy– Cairo University 2000




Physical Therapy for Obstetric& Gynecology

Graduation year          





  Very Good with honors

 Master degree


  Very Good

  Doctoral Degree           



Very good

-Master degree of Physical Therapy- Cairo University 2007

Doctoral degree of Physical Therapy- Cairo University 2013



Lecturer in department of  P.T for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Physical Therapy in 2013




Professional Experience:

   Lecturer in P.T department for Gynecology & Obstetrics, Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University

·        Teaching the lab and practical sessions.

·        Department's work including office hours and attending seminars.



Conferences and Continuing Education attended:

Work shop certificate


 * Pelvic floor dysfunction assessment and treatment demonstrated by: Dr. Anitta Schilling.

*Course specification, demonstrated by: Prof. Dr. Saed Sallam

*Work shop by Journal of Advanced Research under title “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper”


·        Faculty and leadership development certificates:

1-    Effective learning skills.

2-    Effective communication skills.

3-    Effective conferences managing.

4-    Quality assurance and accreditation.

5-    Scientific research.



     Master Thesis title: "Effect of Low level laser Therapy and Exercises in Treating Pelvic inflammatory disease"


Doctoral Thesis title "Effect of electro acupuncture in reducing labor pain".


Accepted presented paper in 14th International Scientific Conference, Cairo university under title of “ Physical therapy the future of treatment”,25-26 April 2013.

Appreciation and Honouring:

جميع الحقوق محفوطة ©للوحدة المركزية للبوابة الالكترونية جامعة كفرالشيخ